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Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon
The Bryn Mawr College Alumnae/i of the Northwest invite you and your friends and family to a richly rewarding play-going experience at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Registrations are due by July 15, 2023.

Thursday, September 21, 2023 - Sunday, September 24, 2023


BMC Ashland is a Bryn Mawr College alumnae group who visit the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF) in Ashland with friends and family every fall for a long weekend to see plays together. It will be our 35th year this fall: September 12 – 25 2024. Situated in the Rogue River region of Southern Oregon, the weekend offers adventure, culture and beauty. To learn more about the OSF and Ashland, OR, contact the festival office at: 541-482-4331 or go to their website.

Registration deadline is July 15 2024

Weekend Details & Schedule

The 2024 standard package includes 4 plays, 2 dinners (Friday & Saturday evenings) and a discussion with an actor or staff member from OSF. Plays are offered afternoon (1:30pm) and evenings (8pm) with multiple performances of some of the plays – which plays you choose to see during the Thursday-Sunday period is up to you. This year we are charging for the OSF campus tour on Saturday morning.

Schedule for non-play activities:

  • Thursday: most people arrive.
  • Friday: morning discussion with an OSF company member; Group Dinner Buffet at Cox Hall
  • Saturday: optional morning tour of OSF Campus theaters (does not include backstage areas), Group Dinner at a restaurant.
  • Sunday: most people depart.


We have Suite dorm rooms reserved in Cox Hall on the SOU campus. There is a paid parking lot next to the hall and it is a pleasant 30-40 minute stroll through the campus and town to reach the theaters (1.4 miles), you can also drive and there are city buses up and down Siskiyou Blvd. Suite rooms are similar to hotel rooms with two queen sized beds and a private bathroom. Note: if you stay at the dorm you have to pay for a minimum of 3 nights. It is also possible to add a Wednesday or Sunday night stay. We do not offer an hotel option, however, there are many hotels in Ashland and you are welcome to make your own arrangements.


For a standard weekend of 3 nights in the dorm with 4 plays, the estimated costs per person are:

  • Double occupancy in suite dorm room: $650
  • Single occupancy in suite dorm room: $725

Cost Adjustments: If you select more than four plays, add $75 for each extra play. If you see fewer than four plays, deduct $75 for each play not seen.

If you wish to stay in the dorm an extra night, the addition costs per person are:

  • Double occupancy in suite dorm room, extra night: $67
  • Single occupancy in suite dorm room, extra night: $92


There are 7 plays running during our weekend in Ashland: Behfarmaheen (If You Please), Born With Teeth, Coriolanus, Jane Eyre, Lizard Boy, Macbeth and Much Ado About Nothing. Click HERE to see more details.

Location: Oregon Shakespeare Festival
15 S. Pioneer St.
Ashland, OR 97520
Calendar: Upcoming Events
Category: BMC Events
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