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GSSWSR - An In-Depth View of Domestic Abuse Services
Domestic Abuse 101 and Trauma-Informed Care:

Friday, October 6, 2023 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

This 4-session series will provide an in-depth view into the dynamics of domestic abuse and the resources available to survivors and their family members. Topics to be covered include Domestic Abuse 101 and Trauma Informed Care, Legal and Crisis Response Services, Community Education and Prevention, Parenting in the Aftermath of Abuse, and Clinical Counseling Services.

Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this program, participants will (1) be able to define domestic abuse, trauma-informed care, and the need for clinical mental health care; (2) understand the role of crisis support and medical advocacy within the field of domestic abuse; (3) understand the barriers in the legal systems for domestic abuse survivors; (4) understand how complex trauma, specifically domestic abuse, can impact children and family systems; and (5) learn unique concerns of adolescents and young adults experiencing dating violence.

Diversity and the need for sensitivity in relation to the unique issues survivors of domestic abuse of different cultures and ethnicities experiences will be addressed.

This program is appropriate for professionals who provide case management or clinical mental health support to individuals who report past or current domestic abuse.

Domestic Abuse 101: The first section will focus primarily on the foundational material related to domestic violence. Participants will explore the definition of domestic violence and the various ways it may manifest in relationships. There will be opportunities to analyze the prevalence of domestic violence within the community and review commonly associated injuries, psychological effects, and abuse tactics. Additionally, participants will receive a detailed overview of Laurel House and its services.

Trauma-Informed Care: The second section of Session 1 will focus on what trauma-informed care is and how it is applied in a domestic abuse agency setting.

Location: Synchronous Virtual Classroom via Zoom
Fees: Cost | CEUs

Program Cost: $80 per session ($320 for the series)

Discount Rate: $280 for the series (*Discount only available for registration in the full series.)

CEUs: 3 per session | 12 for the series
Calendar: Upcoming Events
Category: Class - Graduate School of Social Work
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