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ALC - How to Speak Successfully When You’re Put on the Spot
Communication expert Matt Abrahams provides tangible, actionable skills to help even the most anxious speakers succeed when communicating and speaking spontaneously.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

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Many of us dread conveying our ideas to others, often feeling ill-equipped, anxious, and awkward. Most of our professional and personal communication occurs in spontaneous situations that creep up on us and all too often leave us flustered and stumbling for words. How can we rise to the occasion when put on the spot? In this enlightening webinar, communication expert Matt Abrahams provides tangible, actionable skills to help even the most anxious speakers succeed when communicating and speaking spontaneously. Thinking faster and talking smarter, Abrahams argues, is not an innate skill that requires natural talent and can be learned through preparation and practice. Abrahams provides science-based strategies for managing anxiety, responding to the mood of the room, and communicating in concise, relevant, compelling, and memorable ways regardless of the audience. 

About the author: Matt Abrahams is a leading expert in communication with decades of experience as an educator, author, podcast host, and coach. As a Lecturer in Organizational Behavior, he teaches popular classes in strategic communication and effective virtual presenting. He received Stanford GSB’s Alumni Teaching Award for his teaching students worldwide. Matt is a sought-after keynote speaker and communication consultant when he isn't teaching. He has helped countless presenters improve and hone their communication, including some who have delivered IPO road shows and TED, World Economic Forum, and Nobel Prize presentations. His online talks garner millions of views, and he hosts the popular, award-winning podcast Think Fast, Talk Smart: The Podcast. He is the author of Think Faster, Talk Smarter: How to Speak Successfully When You’re Put on the Spot. His previous book Speaking Up without Freaking Out: 50 Techniques for Confident and Compelling Presenting, has helped thousands of people manage speaking anxiety and present more confidently and authentically

Location: Via Webinar
Calendar: Upcoming Events
Category: Career - Alumni Learning Consortium
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